Rabu, 01 Juli 2015



NAME                         : APRILIA MOEHNIKASARI
CLASS / NPM             : 4EA27 / 18211785

  1. How do you know about this company?
    Answer: I know the company from the newspaper that informs marketing vacancy available in this company.
  2. Tell me about yourself!
    Answer: I am Aprilia. My complete name is Natan Christian. I am 2
    9 years old. I have just graduated from Gunadarma University majoring in economic . I am a fast learner and also a team player.
  3. What do you know about this company?
    Answer: This company engaged in I & field that provides I & management solutions to help the customers manage and secure their business.
  4. Why do you want to work for this company?
    Answer: Based on the research I have done, this company is big and has very promising career. &he marketing job will be perfect for me to grow and develop here.
  5. Why did you resign from your job?
    Answer: I resigned from my job because I am interested in a new opportunity and challenge to use my skills and e’perience in a different capacity than I have in the past.
  6. Why should we hire you?
    Answer: I am a hard worker and a fast learner. I also have some e’periences about marketing in my previous job. & herefore, I will dedicate my skill and effort to this company.
  7. What is your greatest strength?
    Answer: My greatest strength is my self (confidence and positive thinking)
  8. What is your greatest weakness?
    Answer: I am too helpful. I am willing to help everyone and sometimes this brings me in trouble because I am late to finish my own tasks, but I have been trying to overcome it.
  9. How much salary do you expect?
    Answer : I understand that positions similar to this one pay in the range of Ten Million Rupiah. Something in that range would be acceptable to me as a starting salary.
  10. What problems have you encountered at work and how did you deal with them?
    Answer: I think the best way to deal with those problems is to meet them head on.

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